Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Quick And Safe Way To Prevent Hair Loss Without Breaking Your Bank

Hair is everyone's crowning glory they say, so that when you start losing it , almost everything in your life changes. A substantial loss in your hair can easily make you look old, ugly, undesirable, etc. Not a situation you want to be in. Not all men look good without hair and you are probably in this NOT category! It is amazing what hair can do to our looks and that is why people who start losing their hair really undergo a certain degree of stress and start to worry. Everyone fears of being called names such as baldy, cue ball or mr. clean. You may be asking if the girl of your dreams will give you a second look when she finds out about your bald patch? You have to gain your confidence back by stopping hair loss.

Hair loss can be prevented if people resort to treatment right away. Most people seek treatment when they start to go totally bald. Not good. It should not be this way. For years the best solution was to have a hair transplant which is a very promising solution if you are willing to spend thousands of dollars for the operation and the cost for maintenance that comes after. Just for the transplant procedure alone would cost you roughly $10,000 or more.

I guess the question in your mind now is: IS THERE A CHEAPER ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION TO STOP HAIR LOSS? The answer is YES THERE IS A CHEAPER SOLUTION TO STOP HAIR LOSS. Many people have even regained back their full hair through this very effective new ways in stopping hair loss. In this blogsite I will show you how to STOP HAIR LOSS and GROW new healthy hair that you thought was impossible.

There is HOPE IN RESTORING that lost beautiful crowning glory and regain that confidence and that look that was lost with it. This blogsite is dedicated to the men who are determined to try new ways of treatment and mental discipline in obtaining success in STOPPING HAIR LOSS and I sincerely hope that this article will be of great help to you.

MALE PATTERN BALDNESS, is the most common hair loss problem. Most men will experience in some stage in their life hair loss or thinning of the hair. Some experience it at an early age and some at a later part of their life. This is normal but when you lose more and more hair then this is not a good sign and you should do something about it immediately before you can be totally bald and it can be difficult , meaning it would take a longer time to recover or it might be too late at all. Hair is made in the hair follicle.

Hairs grow from the follicles for a couple of years before it is shed off and new hair will grow again and it is a cycle. But some people will experience some abnormality in this hair growing process when the follicles become smaller and smaller resulting to thinner and thinner hair that will be growing and the shedding comes very often until the hair cannot grow from the skin surface and total baldness occurs. YOU LOST THAT CROWNING GLORY. You look at the mirror more often checking your hair and you feel disgusted and afraid and insecure. “What's happening?” “Where's my hair?” “Is that really me?” Yes that is you and you just look older. Again don't panic, relax. Don't stress yourself. It just adds to the problem.


As people begin to experience hair loss they become very much affected by it and they become stressed and this would add more to the problem. You can't avoid the state of being inferior when you want to attract the opposite sex, or when you are with your friends. Avoid more stress and be more positive in facing this problem. Stressing yourself would not bring any good to the situation, it would only worsen it. So if you notice this hair thinning problem tell yourself right away that like any other problem, IT CAN BE SOLVED. YOU CAN STOP HAIR LOSS. ACT NOW.

By eating the right foods that have the necessary properties to nourish your body cells including your hair is be very important. These are the foods that are known to help keep your hair healthy and beautiful:

OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS- Eat salmon, tuna, brussel sprouts, kale, walnuts
This foods nourish your hair and scalp and makes it healthy. It makes your hair more elastic.

ZINC- Eat chickpeas, oysters, veal liver, roast beef.
This foods help to boost the repair of your hair and scalp.

PROTEIN:-Eat Greek yogurt, egg yolks, kale, peanuts, beans, chicken, turkey, tofu, peas
Hair is made up of protein so take a diet rich in protein.

IRON: - Eat red meat, turkey, egg yolks, clams, mussels, oysters, dark leafy veggies.
This foods help in the efficient blood circulation in all your body cells. Blood carries oxygen from your toes to your hair which is very important in keeping your hair healthy.

VITAMIN A AND C: -Eat broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, swiss chard, pumpkin
This foods contains both vitamins A and C which contribute to the production of sebum which is the oily substance that your hair follicles discharge. Vitamin C is good in increasing Iron which is essential in blood circulation and Vitamin A is very good for the scalp.


It is not necessary to wash your hair everyday. It is better done every other day. Use shampoo on your scalp only once and massage your hair gently. DO NOT OVERWASH YOUR HAIR. Use cold water in rinsing your hair. And when it comes to towel drying, do it gently too. For men who are using hair dye be very careful. Use hair dyes that don't damage your hair. For men who have long hair, if possible don't brush or comb your hair when it is still wet.


Researchers who developed the finasteride, which is the drug intended for curing prostate cancer have discovered that it had a side effect, guess what? “HAIR GROWTH”. So that a pharmaceutical company has developed the BEST HAIR LOSS TREATMENT. Below are the two synthetic drugs that were produced and were approved by the FDA. But I am advising you that it is very important to see your physician first before taking the drug for more information regarding side effects brought about by taking the wrong dosage. Although it can be purchased without prescription from any pharmacy, I suggest that you should see your doctor first. This is strongly prohibited to all women and children. It is also prohibited to men below 18 years of age.

1.PROPECIA- Generic name [finasteride} Produced by Merck is a synthetic drug for stopping male pattern baldness but should only be taken by adult males. Finasteride blocks the formation of the hormone DHT, which plays a major role in hair loss . This would result to increased hair growth and minimizing or stopping hair thinning. Side effect although inconclusive, include decreasing the sexual libido so ultimate care is very important regarding the dosage. A high percentage of the people who took this drug never had experienced this side effect. They say that the side effects are minimal. Read carefully the instruction provided in the leaflet that comes when you purchase it. Strictly follow the dosage. But again, see your physician for more important informations.

  1. AVODART-Generic name [dutasteride] By Glaxo also blocks the formation of the hormone DHT resulting to hair growth and stopping hair loss. Again, be careful before taking this pill. Strictly follow instructions on the leaflet that comes with it when you purchase it from your pharmacy. There is no need for prescription and it can even be purchased online. A high percentage of success for hair growth resulted when it was tested to people with male pattern baldness. Side effects are very minimal they say but again please see your physician before taking this drug.

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